
The Value of Authenticity for Meaning in Life and Implications for Novel and Emerging Technologies

Presentation at the Jülich Speaker Series in the Philosophy of Technology, Forschungszentrum Jülich (online).


Meaning in Life, Authenticity and Technology

Presentation at the research seminar on AI ethics, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München


Teaching, Research, and AI: The Future of Knowledge and Social Impact

Panel discussion on the role of AI in teaching and research, Ständetalk organized by the VFFL (Vereinigung der Fortgeschrittenen Forschenden und Lehrenden), University of Zurich (CH).


Die Auswirkungen sozialer KI auf unsere Identität

Presentation at the Philosophische Gesellschaft Zürich (CH).


Relational Identity and AI Companions

AI Ethics & Human-Computer Interaction Conference, University of Graz (AUT).


What determines the magnitude of a mental interference?

Bodily and Mental Integrity and Autonomy Workshop, Oxford (UK) (online).


Cultural diversity is crucial for (neuro)ethics?

Round table discussion at ICONE - International Conference on Neuroethics: From North to South, Diversity and Inclusion in Neuroscience and Neuroethics, Coimbra (PRT), (online).


Technology and the Pursuit of Self-knowledge

XXVI International Philosophy Colloquium Unisinos University Brazil, Artificial Intelligence: The Present and the Future, Brazil (online).


Self-knowledge through tracking and profiling - ethical considerations

Presentation at the Philosophy & Ethics Seminar of the Eindhoven Technical University, Eindhoven (NL) (online).


Identity, Meaning in Life and Technology

Workshop on Political Hope, Technology & Digital Transformation, Bonn (GE).


The value and ethics of self-knowledge through technology

Bucharest-Oxford-Singapore Conference on Applied Ethics, University of Bucharest, Bucharest (ROU).

Conversation on ‘Embodied Narratives: Protecting Identity Interests through Ethical Governance of Bioinformation’

Book launch of ‘Embodied Narratives: Protecting Identity Interests through Ethical Governance of Bioinformation’ with the author Emily Postan and John Appleby, Masen Institute, Edinburgh (UK).


How Personal Information Technology Impacts Identity

Research Seminar of the Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei (TWN), online.


Duties to the Unified Self

Research Seminar of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, Oxford (UK).


How Direct-to-Consumer Neurotechnology Affects Identity

Annual Meeting of the International Neuroethics Society, Montreal (CA).


Technology, Personal Information and Identity

Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies 2022 Conference, Oegstgeest (NL).


Duty to Self-Track? Personal Information Technology and the Duty of Self-knowledge

MANCEPT workshop on Duties to Oneself, Manchester (GB).


A Narrative Pattern-Theory of the Self

Heidelberg Workshop on Personhood, Self-Consciousness, and the First-Person Perspective, Heidelberg (GE).


Comments on Bernard Williams & the demands of authenticity.

Bernard Williams Virtual Workshop with Matthew Bradly (Oxford), online.


Memory Modification and Authenticity: A Narrative Approach.

International Neuroethics Society 2021 Annual Meeting, online.


Memory Modification and Authenticity: A Narrativist Approach.

Generative Episodic Memory: Interdisciplinary perspectives from psychology, neuroscience and philosophy Ph.D. symposium, online.


Neural Interventions and the Narrative Self: Why Means Matter for Meanings.

International Neuroethics Society 2020 Annual Meeting, online.


Deep Brain Stimulation: Two Kinds of Effects on Authenticity.

Workshop The Ethics of Experimental Deep Brain Stimulation – Future Directions, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, Oxford (UK).


Neural Interventions – Shaking the Foundations of Authenticity.

Poster presentation at International Neuroethics Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Chicago (USA).


Fictions and the Narrative Self.

Workshop Varieties of Non-Propositional Content with Elisabeth Camp (Rutgers), University of Basel (CH).


Narrative Authenticity and Deep Brain Stimulation.

SINe – INS 11th International Scientific Conference on Neuroethics, San-Raffaele University, Milan (IT).


Genealogy and Rousseau’s Second Discourse

Workshop The Contingent World: Genealogy, Epistemology, Politics with Amia Srinivasan (Oxford), University of Basel (CH).