Should you let AI tell you who you are and what you should do?

Leuenberger, Muriel. 2024. "Should you let AI tell you who you are and what you should do?" In: AI Morality. Edited by David Edmonds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Your phone and its apps know a lot about you. Who you are talking to and spending time with, where you go, what music, games, and movies you like, how you look, which news articles you read, who you find attractive, what you buy with your credit card and how many steps you take. Personal information about individual preferences, characteristics, and actions has turned digital. Nearly everything you might want to know about a person is available or can be inferred from stored 1s and 0s. This information is already being exploited to sell us products, services, or politicians. Online traces allow companies like Google or Facebook to infer your political opinions, consumer preferences, whether you are a thrill-seeker, a pet lover, or a small employer, how probable it is that you will soon become a parent, or even whether you are likely to suffer from depression or insomnia.

With the use of artificial intelligence and the further digitalization of human lives, it is no longer unthinkable that AI might come to know you better than you know yourself. Since knowing yourself and improving your life choices is advantageous in many ways, it might seem that an AI that lets you know who you are and what you should do would be great. I want to raise two reasons why it is not.

Authenticity in the Ethics of Human Enhancement

Leuenberger, Muriel. 2023. “Authenticity in the Ethics of Human Enhancement.” In: Routledge Handbook on the Ethics of Human Enhancement. Edited by Marcello Ienca and Fabrice Jotterand. London: Routledge.

Authenticity has been recognized as a central concept in the ethics of human enhancement. In the last decade, a plethora of novel distinctions, specifications, and definitions of authenticity have been added to the debate. This chapter takes a step back and maps the different accounts of authenticity to provide a nuanced taxonomy of authenticity and reveal the emerging underlying structures of this concept. I identify three kinds of conditions for authentic creation and change of the true self (coherence, endorsement, and relations) as well as ways how the true self should be expressed (in one’s self-conception, self-presentation, and one’s body, emotions, and actions). Based on this analysis, I discuss the hopes and concerns human enhancement raises for authenticity. Enhancement technologies do not threaten or foster authenticity across the board but affect different dimensions of authenticity individually. Finally, I turn to the value of authenticity and argue that the debate on authenticity in the ethics of human enhancement would profit from a more extended discussion on the comparative value of the individual dimensions of authenticity.

A Narrative Pattern-Theory of the Self

Leuenberger, Muriel. 2023. "A Narrative Pattern-Theory of the Self." In: Personhood, Self-Consciousness, and the First-Person Perspective. Edited by Markus Hermann. Paderborn: Brill mentis.

Building on the account of a pattern-theory of self introduced by Shaun Gallagher, this article investigates the unique role of the narrative dimension of the self within the self-pattern. According to a pattern-theory, the self is constituted by a cluster of dimensions that interact with each other. A particular variation of this pattern constitutes a self. This article advances the argument that for selves who narrate, the narrative dimension of the self takes a special role that cuts across the other dimensions. First, the pattern-theory of self is introduced and a conceptual and ethical argument for employing a pattern-theory is developed. Second, the distinct role of the narrative dimension of the self is analysed. Through the narrative dimension of the self, we engage in self-definition, integrate and connect the other dimensions of the self, make them intelligible, and ascribe personal meaning to them. And third, the narrator type of self is characterized. Organizing one’s experiences through a self-narrative changes the self. Narrators constitute a unified self, they can actively plan and lead a life and engage in forensic practices, and they integrate the subjective and objective nature of the self.